It’s the last circle.

You are just three people away from getting your chicken dinner.

You’re crouching behind a rock, trying to take a third person’s perspective on any approaching enemy.

A guy flanks you from behind and kills you, all because you couldn’t hear his footsteps.

Gamers know how vital a proper pair of earphones is when playing games. How many chicken dinners have you lost because you couldn’t hear approaching footsteps or the directions given by your teammates? Meet the market today.


Never miss a Footstep or a Distant shot again!

Dynamic Dual Driver

The pTron Boom Ultima comes equipped with dual dynamic drivers in each earbud, which produces fuller, crystal-clear sound with a lot more bass. You can now pick up even the faintest sounds of enemies approaching or shots being fired far away. That’s what makes it the best gaming earphones on the internet.